Sunday, June 17, 2012

knock me down again, gravity!

keep knocking me down, gravity. i will rise again, every time! it's father's day, and i miss my "Daddy". always. fell again this morning, hit the hand that's already in a brace from last week. refuse to spend two nice sunday afternoons in a row at the ER. we had a nice brunch that john and the Chap cooked together, with lots of bacon :)  they're outside playing now. i'm inside, not daring to move much, nor able to. hit the back of my head on the TP holder- owie. i never thought i'd say this, but i miss my walker! being back on one crutch is being right back where i was, falling multiple times a day. good thing that Bumbles bounce, but i'm making my guardian angel work triple overtime lately. still, how can i keep from singing?


  1. Yes me, from the other site. interested in your back the hand today???
    Hugs my friend
